Potty Tales.

Mozart, or perhaps I should say our family, is beginning the adventure of potty training.  We have had potties around for months now.  In the bathroom and in the living room.  Mozart has shown mild interest from time to time - sitting while fully clothed during play, etc.  But recently he has acquiesced to actually sitting on the potty bare-bummed.

This endeavor would create surprise results from time to time, albeit very infrequently, but for the most part was fruitless.  The Wife has much more tolerance for this.  I admit, I get bored with reading the same six potty books over and over and over and over.  Whenever these surprises happen, Mozart gets to wear his big boy undies - at least until the next accident or until bedtime.  As I say, we've been bumping along like this for awhile now.

And then, suddenly it seems, we've jumped to the next level.

Bladder control.

But I do not mean that he now uses the potty to pee every time.  Certainly not.  He is still in diapers most of the time and hasn't yet started asking to go to the potty when he has to go.  Oh no.  But what he has started to do is be able to produce wee amounts of urine in the pot when asked (pun intended).

He goes.  Stands up. Admires the results. Flushes the tiny potty (the one in the bathroom has a flush handle). Asks one of us to empty it. Says "bye-bye pee-pee" as it is flushed away.  And then does it again.  Repeatedly.

Tonight he did so about ten times in a row.  Seriously, how does he have that much in him? Even if only a few drops at a time!  The Wife noted to me the great number of repetitions he had managed as he once again stood up to admire his results.

I'd swear he said, "I'm impressed!"  It was perfectly timed and in context to her statement, but The Wife may have a point in that it was more likely an exuberant, "I'm gonna flush!"

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