Back to reality...

Ah, vacation.  It is good.  Alas.  It is over.

Not sure I mentioned that we were going - it kinda snuck up on me, and then it was a whirlwind getting ready and we were off on our way.  We went to the Cape and it was awesome, awesome!  I might do another post with photos.  Ok, I will do another post with photos - I finally got that new SD card for my phone and I took many, many photos.  So, so wish I had a real camera, but I just know I'll be getting one for my birthday *hint*  *Hint*  *HINT*

We got back last Saturday evening and were immediately tossed back into reality.  Prancer's birthday (um, who gave that kid permission to turn 8?) was Sunday and we generally hold a party for him, so not wanting to fail on that count, we put our birthday hats on and pulled a party together.  I spoke with him the night before to see about what kind of cake he might like (should have done this weeks before, but everything seems to be very sneaky these days).  He said Neapolitan - to match his requested Neapolitan ice cream.  Ok - THAT, I can pull together in a heartbeat.  I did use a box mix and store-bought frosting, but I used some of my freezer jam and thickened it up for the filling.  I went to the store in the morning got the above-mentioned, hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, potato chips, candles, plates, napkins and balloons.  Came home and put the cake in, thickened the sauce, sliced tomatoes, onions, washed lettuce, made chip dip, and cut watermelon, and set up the backyard with balloons, streamers, presents and food ~ Thank GOODNESS for good weather!   TW ran to get a tablecloth that I'd forgotten and a couple extra chairs, made some punch, then set up the music. I stuck the cake in the freezer as TW went off getting Prancer and his dad, and Cake Master and Lashes showed up with more presents.

Prancer was ecstatic!  He climbed up on this little play structure we have and announced, several times, that this was the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!  Now, he says this every year, but it still feels good.   While I was disappointed that I didn't have the cake ready for his arrival, he was thrilled because that meant he was able to help put it together, "And sample everything along the way."

After we'd eaten, Prancer helped me place the candles and questioned whether they would stay lit. I said, that of course they would.  Hehe.  Of course they didn't, but he had a great time making a big show of pretending to blow the candles out, which was probably more fun.  And then FINALLY he got to eat the cake and ice cream properly, which, of course, meant that he could get to the business of his presents!  Ah, the bliss of an 8 year old.

Neapolitan Cake - vanilla cake, strawberry filling, and chocolate frosting.
Later that afternoon, I went over to my first Lia Sophia party - I won't go into the details, but let's just say that it was a bit more excitement than I thought I was getting into!  I did end up winning a lovely necklace, and ordered another for TW *SHHHHHH!* and then it was home to bed, and up for work.

But the excitement wasn't over because right after work we got to see Peanut!!  Her family comes out to visit the area quite often to see relatives and, thankfully, us and the foster parents of her brother as well.  We had such a wonderful time seeing her.  She is 9 now.  And if I can hardly believe that Prancer is 8, it is even harder to grasp that she is 9 and becoming quite a lovely young lady.  Once again she said that wants to come and live with us - that's always hard.  But now what I think she'd like is for all of the people to just live in one giant house.  Her parents really are doing an excellent job raising her up.

So after our visit with Peanut, then life really did get back to the normal work, food procurement, and food processing.  Tuesday we got milk from the farm.  Wednesday we got our fruit CSA.  Thursday we our veggie CSA.  Today, I made cantaloupe popsicles, apple sauce, and roasted beets.  I found a recipe for Moussaka that I think I'll try - sounds soooo good, and aside from the olive oil and spices can be entirely locally sourced!  Reality is pretty good sometimes, too.

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