He did not come up with this on his own. Children very rarely come up with these things ALL on their own.
Yesterday we got the (false) report that one of the kids at his daycare had come down with the chicken pox. TW and I both had conversations with the daycare provider about what we would be looking for if Mozart came down with it. This was, of course, in his presence and his little proclamation this morning was just a way to demonstrate that he is, indeed, listening to everything we say.
By this afternoon another child had been sent home with the pox, but then this evening we got word that it is not, in fact, the pox. It is a mystery virus. It starts with a long period of crankiness, followed by a fever and with some kids develops into spots. But the spots are apparently short-lived, and the kid can go back to daycare 24 hours after the fever is gone - one of Mozart's spotted friends is returning tomorrow.
Well, he certainly has been cranky lately. We'd been attributing it to being two, but maybe this is more transient and the whole thing will lift if he breaks a fever and has done with it.
At least there's strawberries.
Oh, the strawberries!
While the rain has been mostly unrelenting, we have been able to go and pick on a couple of occasions. With all the rain, I wanted to get out their before they turn so this morning being dry, Mozart and I left the house 'round 6am for a picking spree. We got about four quarts in about 20 minutes - the berries are phenomenal! I gave him his own basket - not because I thought he'd actually help, but I figured he'd feel useful. He plucked the berries right out of my basket and put them in his own. Then proceeded to eat them. By the time we left the patch his basket that he filled about a quarter of the way looked like this:
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