We are recovered.

And just in time for two dumpings of snow.  Beautiful, but I've had enough shoveling for the winter, thanks.

Prancer is down with it, though, and so we had to postpone our Christmas with him.  It was the saddest thing ~ I shoveled all morning so I could get the car out of the driveway and called over to verify we'd be picking him up shortly.  He answered in a not-so-bright voice and when asked how his morning was instead of the usual re-telling of various cartoons or trouble he'd gotten into, I got a weak sounding, "Not good."  So hopefully we'll be able to reschedule.

Thankfully, Mozart is fully recovered (and I didn't succumb).  When he was well enough, we went over to Mme. Child's house for dinner.  While the adults were in the kitchen the children played quietly.  Though we didn't *think* too quietly.  Alas, a bloodied Mozart came into the room after having "crashed the angels".  Mme. Child's very precious Lenox angels. Two of them.  And a snowman. And a Santa.  They could not be salvaged, though we were able to salvage Mozart's hands with several bandages.

Next day we went to the children's party at my work.  Mozart, of course, thought Santa had come to see him exclusively.  He could have held court on the man's lap for hours.  Before he was convinced not to take up any more time, Santa asked what happened to his hands, to which he replied, matter-of-factly, "Oh, those just my Angel Boo-Boos."

The Angel Boo-Boos have nearly healed and don't need bandages any longer, and though Mozart would clearly like to have them, he can now be distracted away from needing them.

One last tale:

This morning I had been out shoveling from the wee hours.  When I cam back in I hear, "Mama! I am awake!  I am in a good mood!"  Very pleased by this, I go to collect him for breakfast.  While getting it together, he says, "I had good dreams.  So, I am in a good mood."  I asked him what his dreams were about, thinking they were likely about Santa or fire trucks as these are the things he talks most about these days, but his reply: "COOKIES!  Lots of them!!!"

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