Have I mentioned that Mozart is obsessed with Harry Potter?

I'm sure I must have.  He is adorable, whether he is saying "swish and flick", "wingardium leviosa", or "you disapear!" when using my pen or his fork to cast spells with his newly found wand.  Or when he jumps down from his chair and says, "I just gonna play Quidditch now," and runs off to get his broom.  Or the fascination he has developed with chess because of the great scene of Wizard Chess.

He has only ever read or watched the first book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", but he has watched the movie probably over 30 times and I'm sure he and TW have ready through the book nearly twice now.  I had reservations about the appropriateness of it for a two-year-old, but TW has such an obsession that I let it happen - it's a good bonding thing for them - at first only with one of us sitting next to him at all times, but now he watches the whole movie through on his own and only when he is feeling especially sensitive are those scary scenes (TROLL!!! Troll in the dungeon!) actually scary to him.  Now he just goes over the scene at the dinner table ("But the troll's not in the dungeon anymore. Went to the girls bathroom. Gotta tell 'mione.")

When I picked him up from daycare it was reported to me that he holds court by telling everyone about everything that Harry does, and all the other characters, and that he goes on and on and on, and and not a one of them (kids nor adults) knows what he's talking about except that it's Harry Potter.  That same evening on the way home, he says out of the blue (probably in response to something on the radio actually) and quite matter-o-factly, "I got a kitty, but just one.  BatCat died. Voldemort killed her."


I corrected him that while Batcat did die, Voldemort did not do her in.

I can't yet bear to tell him that he won't be going to Hogwarts when he's 11 because there is no Hogwarts.

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