Three, More Endearing and Much Worse, Than Two

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I dropped the ball.  Totally - I know.

If it's any consolation, big things have been happening.  Like that TW is PREGNANT! And not just a little bit - we are halfway to welcoming a brand new baby girl to the family!!  I may have to rename the blog.  'Course that would be a bigger deal if I'd posted at all recently.  I fear any followers that I had may have had vanished into thin air.

Meanwhile, though, I have been taking lots of photos.  Posting on Flickr most days, got a handful of followers, have gotten a photo printed on the front page of our local paper, and I've been asked to help photograph a wedding (couldn't do it, but still!)...

And of course The Boy grows.  He has gotten a boatload of personality.  And while he doesn't pull it out often, he can throw a temper tantrum with the best of them.  Take for example the following situation...

"Mozart has, unfortunately, been in full tantrum for the past 20+ minutes because… He wants to ride the bus to camp - right now! Never mind that there is no bus. That he's not old enough to go to camp. And even if he were old enough to go to camp, nobody goes to camp when they are screaming."

Grammie saw the post and said that he needed to call, but I had to post back: 

"He was given the opportunity to calm down, go downtown, and ride the bus. But then, because the bus costs money and one would need to get some money, he completely melted again. To the extent that he peed his pants (!). He did not get the time out for peeing his pants, but was again, given the opportunity to pull it together or head to his room to calm down. Which he chose. And then had a fit and slammed doors about. So now the timer is being set as he has, finally, calmed down."

He did calm himself for the evening, but then this morning it was like a replay with the added bonus of hitting TW...

It is good that he has is such a lovable kid most of the time.  My pinky toe has been going numb on me of late (I know, I know, I'll get it checked out if it doesn't get better in a couple days...), and so he wanted to know exactly which one it was.  And he kissed it.  

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