Tumble, Crash, Splash.

I was doing so good yesterday.  I'd made a resolution to take a walk with Mozart, whenever weather permits, when we get home each evening now that it is light later.  We walked downtown at a brisk pace and while I am clearly out of practice in the fitness department, neither my feet nor my undercarriage were acting up and we got home tired but feeling energized and refreshed.

I made pasta for dinner, we ate, and then I ran upstairs to grab the wipes to clean up Mozart's pasta face.  Still feeling fine, I came down the stairs and I don't know what the fudge happened, but somehow I ended up taking a fantastically dramatic tumble down those last two steps.  I yelped.  Mozart began crying because he didn't know what what going on and I said repeatedly, "I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm ok."  The wife came rushing to ensure that I actually was ok and finding no broken bones, quickly scolded me for falling and reminded me that we can't afford to give the chiropractor any more money.

At first I thought I'd sprained both ankles and my wrist.  My shoulder smarted pretty bad and my elbow was turning purple.  My leg had an unfortunate and sporadic shooting pain and my back and neck just felt out of joint.  After receiving kisses from Mozart on my elbow, though, I thought I'd be ok and counted my blessings.

Then I slept like utter crap.  Mozart woke up an hour early.  And I woke up feeling sore all over and with a headache.  The same pelvic floor pain that I was plagued with for months and months after I had Mozart seemed to be back. And it was apparent that my little tumble had sent me crashing into a most unpleasant place.  The wife reminded me to take something and I dosed myself with Motrin and went off to work.  Before I got to my office I had - count them - FOUR coworkers remark on how exhausted/terrible/sick/cranky I looked.  Thanks. When one of said coworkers pointed out that I hadn't done something that was due today (note - I was not notified that said task was due as I was in a mandatory training and not at the meeting when it was announced), tears sprang to my eyes.

I got an appointment with the forbidden chiropractor and went in.  Turns out I've sprained my lower back and shoulder.  My wrist and neck are not sprained but just jammed up.  I have another appointment tomorrow.

On the exceedingly bright side, though, our water heater was installed after work today and so FINALLY we can bathe IN OUR OWN HOME and WITH HOT WATER. Yeah!!   

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