Happy Independence Day!

I'm a little late to wish you well on this 4th of July, but I figure better late than never.

I gotta say, spirit of the holiday aside, I am feeling really, REALLY grateful to care for myself independently today.  I feel somewhat human for the first time since last Saturday when I put my back out for the umpteeth time.  It was on its way out for a couple weeks - the beginning of strawberry season does not do this body good.  But since I love strawberries, I kept picking every chance I got and last Friday that entailed 3 hours of picking with a total of 8 quarts of strawberries.  I was certainly sore afterwards, but not too sore to attempt  to move a gigantic, albeit huge, bookcase that the neighbors had given us from their house to ours.  And it was all good until the very last foot of the move.  It tilted.  Did I mention it was huge.  A good foot taller than me.  So I compensated for the tilt with my position and *TWINGE* <-- yep, THAT put my back out.  TW had to step in to move it the rest of the mere 12 inches.  I held it together until the neighbors said their goodbyes... Then I promptly went upstairs, medicated myself, and hobbled - very slowly - into bed.  Where I stayed the remainder of the weekend with only 1-2 hour stretches out of bed.

As you can imagine, it was a long week for as short as it was.  I cut out of work at 1:30 on Monday, managed to stay the day on Tuesday, and took a respite in the middle of the day yesterday.  Each day I saw the chiropractor or a craniosacral therapist.  I love them both.  Truly.

Today I took it slow in the morning and we just hung around the house most of the day, but had to get to the farm to pick up our veggie share.  I did not pick strawberries.  (!)  TW and Mozart did pick peas and hunted for a time for the remaining strawberries.  I had my share of picking with the quart of basil that was allotted, and then read in the car and waited.  

On arrival home I put the basil into vodka for an infusion.  One of my favorite all-time drinks is The Legal Herb - a basil infused vodka martini that was served at this long ago fabulous restaurant in Minneapolis (can't remember it's name just now or I'd give it props!).  What with the strawberry vodka and now this basil vodka, I imagine you are thinking we are quite the drinkers!  No so, I'm afraid.  I did have a sip of the strawberry spirit to taste, and it was lovely, but it has remained untouched since.  I am just happy to have proper options to serve people (or us) when the mood strikes.

I also had an idea that I put into motion. It will either be brilliant as the week goes by, or I will have done the work for nothing.  I'm voting for brilliant: I took out my mandolin and sliced up zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and onion and then filled several mason jars with said ingredients.  I'm hoping that this will get us to eat more of the veggies we get from our share.  One of my most-loved breakfasts is sauteed veggies with eggs and this will make it easy :D  And The Boy loves cucumbers, so he will always have some for snack or side-dish.  I'll try to report back and let you know if this planning worked out.

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