And then there was one.

There's no way to soften the blow.  TW came home from work on her lunch break and found BatCat. Dead.  She called me at work but I was busy.  She called back twice more within minutes and so I excused myself and got the news.

I am heartbroken, but I cannot imagine what TW is going through.  She got BatCat before she met me and when she was having a very hard time.  She has often referred to how much support she got from her.  And that they are kindred spirit or a kind of soul mates.  And after finding her she couldn't even grieve properly as she had to go back to work.

In tears, I got off work an hour early, dropped Mozart off at Mme. Child's, stopped at the store and got several bags of ice, then went home to ensure BatCat's stability until we can decide what to do (burial or cremation) and where it will happen.  I got flowers, wine and ice cream for TW, and then picked up the boy.

I explained to him that Mommy is sad and so she might be crying a little bit tonight.  He wanted to know where her boo-boo is and I told him it is in her heart.  He offered to "give her hug and I fix it."  He is a wonderful child.  Since we got home he has been checking in with her and giving hugs.

TW and I haven't had a chance to talk yet, so Mozart doesn't know the reason that Mommy has a boo-boo on her heart.  I'm thinking of telling him that BatCat had to move to a happy cat place, and we are sad because we didn't know she had to move away until she was gone.  Or, because we have already referred to people who have died as living in our hearts, that she lives in our hearts now.  And if he asks why Mommy's heart has a boo-boo, then we'll say that it sometimes hurts little when people (or cats) move from living with us to living in our hearts.

Well.  I'll keep thinking on this.  If you have an ideas for telling him or dealing with the loss of a pet, by all means, let me know.

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