Pre-Election Disjointed Jitters

When I picked up Mozart today, the daycare provider asked me if I was ok. Said I looked stressed.  Said I've looked stressed for awhile now.  And yes, between the roof (still pending), the care (yipee - all set), the water heater (ugh) and Sandy impending arrival and now continuing to hear about the aftermath, yeah I'm stressed.  But really, what has me most stressed is these elections.  And I don't even watch t.v., so I don't hear but a fraction of the BS that flying around out there on the airwaves.

I'd like to be eloquent about how I feel right now, but I'm afraid that likely won't be possible.  I am baffled that people are seeming to fall for what the Romney campaign is putting out there as a solution.  While he seems to talk out both sides of his mouth, makes stuff up, and dismiss nearly half of our population, people are still considering him a viable option.  And the people here in Massachusetts - shouldn't we all remember what it was like under him.  How he was anything but a bridge-builder.

And frankly,  I'm scared.  Scared that just when I thought that maybe, just maybe sometime in the near future our family will be considered a real and legitimate family, that it could all be taken away from us.   So yeah, I'm stressed.

And also, I have to say, that I'm feeling a bit betrayed by some people that I thought had our back.  You know, when a person professes to be a friend, but then wants to vote for someone who would take your rights away - and their rights away, too!  I'm not just talking about rich, white guys wanting to vote for Romney - shoot, I don't even know many of those - I'm talking about women.  Several of them.  And yes, even some LGBT folks.  It leaves me numb and speechless.

So if your reading this, tomorrow is election day. Please go to the polls and vote for a better future. For all of us, including women and the LGBT community. For we deserve to be equal citizens. And please know that your vote does count. It is worth the time and energy. For most of us it will be a matter of minutes, but it is also worth the hours some are waiting. If you don't have a ride, ask for one.

You are an American.  Act like it.

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