Lazy morning.

Good Heavens, I slept until 10:46!!  I did wake up at 6 to get the Boy, but the Wife took over when he wouldn't be accommodating to continued rest.  And then I dreamed I was in the countryside in France enjoying a lovely meal with some very nice wines.  And then I dreamed I headed off to Paris for the day and learned that the hottest new style is "Homeless Chicque" - derived from having large backpacks full of seemingly everything and a blanket looped the belt - all to facilitate the ability to go all places on foot or by bicycle rather than cars.  Just when I began to dream that I was paralyzed (this happens often for me when I've slept too long), I woke up.   The Boy was watching "Charlie Brown's Christmas" and the Wife had cleared the toy corner out to make way for the tree.  We may just be tree hunting this afternoon.
Mozart took his last dose of Prednisone yesterday, and his is nearly himself today - can I have a YIPPEEEE!?!  He did learn some bad habits having been in a 'roid rage the past week, but it is so nice to have him back!

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