Work Day.

Alas, I do have to work, and so most of my Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are filled with this activity.  Sometimes evenings and other days too, but less so these days as I no longer have access to our network from home.  Before, it was easy to ensure I got things done by finishing notes, filling out assessments, or doing the odd job from home.  Now, not so much.  I need to somehow get it done in my 32 hours allotted to me, which rarely happens.  And so more often than not, I am behind.  Sometimes I go back after bringing the Boy home and having dinner, or on the weekend, but I really try not to.  Today was no different except that I had a doctors appointment - uff, that is a blog post on its own, but maybe another time - so I got there two hours late and then was able to stay late as Grammie was over to watch the Boy for the day (daycare closed for the week - the whole daycare situation is also another post of its own, but not today).  

Got home walked with the Wife and the Boy to the store for provisions and came home to look up - um, I forgot, some recipe the Wife wanted me to look up.  But nope.  No Internet.  Made dinner while the Wife put the Boy down, ate dinner, made pie, called the dreaded Volde- uh, I mean, Verizon, but with a stroke of luck it was an easy fix this time.   And so I am here writing a quick post before falling into bed and doing it all over again. Tomorrow, though, I really must make car rental reservations.  Been putting that off far too long.

But wait.  There is one thing that I wanted to share.  This morning, first thing, the Boy pulled out his cuteness.  Almost like an apology for getting me up Every. Single. Day. before 6am.  He did his abbreviated nursing - it's getting shorter and shorter these days - and hopped down to investigate the room.  Not that it's changed.  It's just his thing.  He pulled several books out, as he often does, and played in his usual way.  Then he spread them out on the floor in a semi-circle around himself, laid down, and put his head on each one.  Now I'm not sure if he was testing them out as pillows, or if he was trying to hear their stories, but he just tickled me to pieces! 

That is all.

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