More photos...

I'd intended on getting this next batch out later on the same day as the last batch~ oh, good intentions!  The weekend was chalk-full of projects and business, and it seems that these days, Saturday mornings are the only days I feel it ok to sit and veg out (when I have enough brain left to type anything comprehensible).  So on top of the usual running around to get the most out of our CSA's, last weekend I re-caulked the bathtub, organized the kitchen cabinets. The caulking job turned out serviceable.  Though certainly not professionally done, it looks so, sooo much better than it did.  And I am still exceedingly pleased with the outcome of the kitchen - we still have a couple cupboards to do, but in general, I don't think it's ever been so neat and serviceable!

Because the weekend was stretched another day long, my work week was stretched a day short, but of course the same amount of work needed to be done ~ and in fact this week was was busier than most due to some unexpected happenings.  Usually I have moments in my day when I can make a phone call or do something for myself, but this week I barely had time for lunch!  Eeeep!  Then after work, somehow, was even busier than the usual even though we didn't pick up the CSA's (break from some, Mme. Child picked up others for us) as we filled the evenings up with haircuts, dinner with friends, marching in parades and going to the county fair ~ Whew!  At the bottom, I've got a couple photos from the fair, but now onto the photos I promised...

Mozart is STILL, a full month later, remembering his good time at vacation.
He often brings up going to the beach and staying at the vacation cabin.

When I saw this sign I thought it comical.
But it was no joke.

They stalked our camps at the beach, and if anyone dare be absent for more than a couple minutes. 

Mozart's castle's weren't quite as elaborate as this, but someone has a great imagination.

And who says that the beach is only for kids?
This man. In his full on adulthood. Sat in this spot, enjoying the waves and playing in the sand, for at least an hour. When I walked by, he looked up at me, with absolute joy and beamed, "This is great! Just like being a kid again!" You go sir! 

It's always a little sad to leave the beach, even if you've been there since early morning.

Coloring at Spanky's Clam Shack

Mozart got to ride a Pirate Ship with Mommy.  He had a blast and "Argh'ed" his way through the next couple days!

Still glowing after the Pirate Ship ride.

Mr. Independent will push his own stroller, thankyouverymuch.

That was a good vacation!

And now, barreling into Fall, I can hardly believe it is fair time already!  We marched in the kick-off parade with my work, and Mozart had a blast.  I did as well, though I was utterly exhausted by the time we arrived.  But not so much so that we skipped the sights.  And the pig racing.  I did not know they did pig racing, but it was pretty funny.

He didn't actually want to ride on any of them, but he loved the lights.

Crazy oddities, "With the head of a human, but no arm and no legs, she crawls on her belly!  She's alive, she's alive, she's alive!"

And more oddities. I missed the creepy call for this one - was distracted by fire-eating man...

Racing pigs. Starring such celebrities as Rush Limphog and Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Too bad my phone couldn't capture their amazing-ness - those blurs are the stars.

*I give up on formatting the spacing between photos ~ it is maddening.  Truly.

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