Good Morning Nemo...

So when I told Mozart that Nemo was coming, he had a hard time believing me.  Even when I explained that in this case, Nemo is a bunch of snow, he still did not believe me.  And I have to say, that I was doubtful at that point myself - the forecast said we'd start to see action at 3am and this photo was taken around noon.

But, oh, by the afternoon it was coming down at a regular clip, and by morning, we were looking at a different view from the window!   
But that doesn't do the scene justice. This will give you a better idea: 
Yes, friends, that is our driveway.  With our two cars that we have since dug out.  It's nice you can see the cars from this view.  In the digging out process, I found that the other side of the cars were completely covered.   Note that Mozart is looking very small in relation. That photo is about an hour into our shoveling.  We are blessed to have some anonymous snow blower-wielding neighbor who went down our front walk.  By the time we dug our way to the walk, we were even more grateful.  Mozart was all rosie-cheeked, as were we, when we got to the walk, but there was still a LOT to do.  Even so, with nearly all the neighbors out working, the whole thing was rather communal feeling.  Just then, another neighbor came out onto his porch for the first time and seeing the sheer amount of snow gave this somewhat maniacal laugh, in what I believe was a mixture of disbelief, wonder and defeat all at once.  Even though our muscle's ached and we had more than half of our work to go, it had us all laughing!  

The side walk below was even deeper than the driveway.  In the driveway it took four shovels full of snow to make a foot's worth of progress.  On the side walk it took SIX shovels full of snow.  And, the 5th and 6th shovels were very packed and heavy.  Mozart and I made a path down the side walk, and the boys helping the neighbor met us, cutting our work down (blessedly).  But since the pathway was only one shovel's width, we caved and hired another neighborhood boy with a snow blower to make the sidewalk wide enough and clean up the end of our driveway a bit more.  Our town's codes say we need to have the walks clear enough for a wheelchair to pass, and that just wasn't going to cut it.  I say, that was a well-spent $20!

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