Mighty Movers

The Boy woke up extra early this morning - wow, that was a long time ago - and we headed out for a walk.  Whenever this happens my first stop is coffee, so that done, we headed to the drugstore for a couple of things and then up the main street to get back home.  We pass by a garage on the way and as we do so a tow truck begins to back out.  As the Boy tends to be riveted by these things, I turn the stroller so we can give it our full attention. I felt somewhat obligated to this because pre-coffee, I merely grunted acknowledgement of various different large vehicles that caught his attention.  So the tow truck backs up and parks.  The driver gets out and notices the Boy and greets him.  You'd have thought he was rock star with the level of excitement that he got in return - waving with both hands, squealing, and just utter excitement. 

We try to give the Boy a full range of gender-neutral toys to play with.  He has dolls and trucks alike, and we encourage both equally.  We don't mind if he wears necklaces or plays at the vanity.  Neither do we mind if he prefers the workbench or trucks.  But lemme tell ya, this kid is fascinated with all things construction, mechanical or on wheels. 

The first time this became really evident was when we were at the milk farm and he was just about a year old.  We visited the cows in the barn, and then went outside.  There was a tractor that was doing some work, so we paused to watch for a bit.  Oh, but the Boy wasn't just watching - he was in awe.  First with his mouth open and pointing.  Then when it reversed directions, he started clapping!  And finally, as it continued to do it's work - it had a plow on the front and was razing the driveway - he started blowing kisses at it!

Since then, I figured I might as well let him get his kicks about various wheels monstrosities. I point to semis, dump trucks, motorcycles, street sweepers, and whatever else happens by.  When not out and about, most mornings he has me go over his Mighty Movers board book about 4-24 times, so he can soak these things in when they aren't there in real life. Regardless he takes it all in and, with wonder, I watch as he becomes his own little person.

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