Prep work

I am waiting for Prancer's cakes to be cool enough to shape them and put a crumb coat on. I am bleary-eyed and sleep is calling so I don't know how much sense I'll make here, but thought, since I didn't right yesterday, I'd post. 

First of all, there is no definitive bat news.  The results are not in.  Day 5 is Sunday, so that is when we were originally to have the shots if the test results weren't back yet, but we *should* get the results back on *Monday*, so I called the Department of Public Health who checked with all the regs and everyone, including the Boy's pediatrician, is all on board with the opinion that we will be in the clear, even if the bat was rabid, to wait for the result on Monday.  If, however, there are no result by the end of the day we all need to call the ER and get lined up for the shots.

My feet hurt.  I'm not talking aching.  Oh, yes, they are aching.  But it also feels like small being has taken a bat and with mighty force is slamming the arches of my feet.  It comes out of the blue.  When I am sitting.  When I am standing.  When my feet are up.  Yesterday I attended a lovely event for about 45 minutes, but could not really appreciate it as I was near tears.  The only time it really feels better is when I'm icing them.  Bleh. 

Speaking of icing: Turns out that blueberry frosting that has been colored with actual blueberries is more of a purple. *cringe*  I'd really like to avoid using any food coloring as some think that food dye contributes to attention problems, and Prancer has enough of that without adding dye to the the problem.  The sugar will probably put him over the edge.  We're having his birthday party and I came up with, I thought, a clever idea of making a Blue Beary Cake for him - I think I posted earlier about our bear fun on the hunt for blueberries.  So anyway, found a recipe, modified it, baked it, and it is now cooling.  While cooling, I made the frosting and blueberry pie filling for the fruit layer and to color the frosting - I really had thought it would be blue - (his father may not be pleased with his son having a purple cake, but hey, I'm doing the best I can here ).  Ok, I've really got to get this thing moving.  Wish me luck!

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