Photo found, scanner lost

I had a wonderful trip down Memory Lane searching for a photo of the Naot's I had, and finally found them in  *the very last* album I opened.  I think it was number eight.  And before I pulled it out I went through a suitcase of loose photos and negatives.  Was too tired to scan the photo last night.  After work, picking tomatoes at the farm, and dinner tonight I got to it - but no, the scanner is kaput. I knew the printer head was messed up, so I knew we'd have to have it dealt with, but I don't understand why it can't scan an image and save it to digital?!?  First the coffee pot, then the printer, which is also the scanner... I'm feeling a trend here - like Mercury is in Retrograde or something.  The car is making a noise, but oh help, it has to last until we get the refinance through.

I keep shutting my eyes for longer periods.  It may be me shutting down because I just don't want to deal with calling Cuisinart and Lexmark, but I think it's just utter fatigue.

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