More butterfly heaven.

After a long morning running errands - curses to the hour and a half wait at the RMV, catching up with an old friend, and lunch with the Wife, I picked up Mozart and we headed off to Magic Wings again.  I figured it would be either hopping or dead with all the rain we got today and it was the latter.  For a little while there was an art class from one of the colleges there, but otherwise just the random pair of people here and there.  We had the run of the place.  And, oh, how he loved it!  I wish I could understand more of what he says 'cuz he was talking up a storm!  I know that he can say butterfly - he said it leading up to the second time we went. But ever since then butterflies are "flowers".  So again, he ran from place to place, yammering on, telling me all sorts of stories, I'm sure, and exclaiming, "Flower!"  Every time a butterfly came close or crossed is gaze.  And then, he would point to the butterfly stamp on his hand and exclaim again and again, ever so proudly, that he has one too!

I have been trying to get the photos from my phone for more displays of cuteness - really I should have done a voice recording, but didn't manage that one - but no luck so far.  I may come back and edit some photos in...

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