Mozart's cuteness

Whenever Mozart sees, feels, or tastes something he doesn't like, he makes this particular hissing sound with correlating mouth movements - imagine you got a piece of fuzz in your mouth.  That is pretty much what he does.  Except he does it for all things distasteful.

And when he sees something he wants, but doesn't necessarily have the words for it, or if he's just to excited to say the words he knows, he makes a very particular, "hummmm" sound that indicates absolute pleasure.

While we do not watch t.v., and I don't believe the daycare does either, he has taken a particular liking to "Memo"  a.k.a. Elmo.  We have a Sesame Street pop-up book, he has an Elmo cup, and the one video he is allowed is Elmo's Potty Time.

Last night we switched out some of the baby toys for more toddler-esque toys.  Oh, he was just in awe.  Hopping from one new toy to the next.  And he wasn't being redirected away from any of them - it was better than Christmas!

Oh, yeah, and last night I organized all those new toys.  I lined up his cars, rearranged the books, set out all of his string-pulled toys in a row along with his Quike (like a trike but it has 4 wheels) and  a push cart that I'd filled up with little trucks.  He got sooo excited when he saw the cart full of trucks, and clearly wanted the trucks to be next to the cars.  The cart has wheels - of course - but he made 13 trips back and forth across the living room to take each individual truck from the cart to the car line-up.  

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