Favorite things

Mozart has a couple of favorites.  He continues to like "mouse" a.k.a. Stuart Little and "Memo" a.k.a. Elmo and/or Nemo, but really these days its trains.  He wakes up talking about them, talks about them through breakfast, at daycare, when we get home, and whenever he hears any sound that could remotely sound like a train - um, that, by the way, is any sound at all that is new to the environs - this makes sense when it is a whistle of some sort or a car horn, but I question him when it's running water, birds outside, the cat bounding down the stairs...

The other day I pulled out the step stool and had him "help" me cook dinner.  Since then he REALLY wants to cook.  All the time.  Now what he means is that he wants to play with the water, brushes, and sponges in the sink, but to this it is cooking.  And I will support him in this endeavor for as long as it lasts - even if it means I am forever changing him out of soaks shirts and mopping the floor.

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