The big jump...

Tonight we went to the Verizon store to see about options for a hotspot rather than landline + DSL.  We almost got upgrades (with two-year contract) and a Smart Phone for me (with a hotspot built in), but then realized the Wife is still under contract for her hotspot she uses at the market for another year and a half.  So we didn't do it.

Now, tomorrow, I need to call Verizon and take the jump into the deep end.  Just cut off the landline and internet.  We will use her hotspot, with much curtailed internet usage, and hope for the best (I have no idea if Skype will work, and if it doesn't, it would be a huge loss for Mozart and the Grandparents). I will set the landline to be cut off for, probably, the 21st.  That should give us enough time to get our photos on Shutterfly, get a good long queue in Netflix, clean up our email accounts, and switch our contact number on all the utilities.  And maybe watch an episode of Bones or Castle or the like...

I am not looking forward to this jump.  I feel much like I am being pushed.  But we have to in order to cut back on expenses.  I guess that's the economy these days.  I was talking with other friends, in similar financial situations, and while we are all gainfully employed, the money just doesn't go as far as it used to.  What used to be a comfortable middle class is still middle class, and still comfortable for the most part, but also very thoughtful about where each penny goes.  I am very grateful to be in the middle class, and not truly struggling, but there are sacrifices to be made.

P.S. the pie crust was a big fail, so no recipe to be posted.

P.P.S. my mom ( Nana) does make an excellent crust that is mixed and pressed right into the pan. I'm looking for one that can be rolled out... I think I'll stick to Mom's for now.

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