Where's the app for that?

On Wednesday Mozart and I came home to a house maintaining a frigid 45 degrees.  I was not happy.  I knew what had happened - well, sort of - the water went down on the boiler and it went off while we were at work.  It's easily fixed in the short run.  Just go down and add more water.  But you can never tell when it will happen next.  

This has happened on and off since we bought the house.  We've had the professionals come and look at it and, previously, were that we just need to keep an eye on it, add water every couple of weeks (more in the winter) and everything is normal.  Well, guess what folks?  It's no longer normal.  Something is very, very wrong.  My educated guess says it's actually the water heater - seeing as there are rivulets of water coming out of it.  But that doesn't explain how the water in the boiler goes down.  And as long as it keeps turning back on, we really just need to watch it and hope for the best.  After the new roof and new-to-me car, there is no room in the budget for any additional bills.  Grrr. Or should I say, Brrrr.

Because it happened again last night when we were sleeping.  We typically keep it quite chill in the house and I where plenty of layers and warm things, so I didn't wake up (maybe I should rethink this?) until the usual time, but when I put my glasses on they fogged up.  THAT's not a good sign.  I found my slippers, checked the thermostat (it was 41 - yeah, brrrrrrr!) and got the boiler to work again.  Got Mozart up and dressed, put extra layers on him as we left his heated room, and got him out the door with a hastily-put-together Wife (no heat means no shower unless you want to do it African Bath style, but that take bravery and/or planning). 

I have switched last night's laundry to the dryer, put a new load in - and I know the boiler is doing it's job because the "cool" water was feeling downright warm on my frigid fingers - and now I sit with a heating pad for the time being.  The heat is up to a balmy 45, so in my humble opinion, it is still too cold to shower even if there is hot water.  I'll give it another 10 minutes before I get up and start doing some housework - that'll at least keep me warm while the house warms up.

I may have mentioned that I have a not-quite-as-bright phone, but still, I think there ought to be an app to tell me the moment the water goes down on the boiler. Because this is just no fun.

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